Archery Range Rok | Leaked New Archers And Infantry [ Range Will It Include Siege? ] | Rise Of Kingdoms 86 개의 새로운 답변이 업데이트되었습니다.

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Today we watch the official video of Rise of Kingdoms and we spin for alexander nevsky. We check the leak art concept of the new archer or infantry and the new civilization posted in the youtube video, Also new feature to come in 2022 about archer range but will that also open up the discussion of siege range?
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Rise of Kingdoms – Archery Range

The bow and arrow were invented in the later Paleolithic. Archers have existed since then, while the establishment of archery ranges, specialized facilities …

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Date Published: 3/1/2022

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Archery Building Requirements – Rise of Empires Guides and …

… resources and what requirements are there for upgrading your Archery building to each level in Rise of Empires for training the Archers?

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Date Published: 1/23/2022

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주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 LEAKED New Archers and Infantry [ RANGE Will it Include Siege? ] | Rise of Kingdoms. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

LEAKED New Archers and Infantry [ RANGE Will it Include Siege? ] | Rise of Kingdoms
LEAKED New Archers and Infantry [ RANGE Will it Include Siege? ] | Rise of Kingdoms

주제에 대한 기사 평가 archery range rok

  • Author: Shinchi42
  • Views: 조회수 4,482회
  • Likes: 좋아요 192개
  • Date Published: 2022. 2. 3.
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Rise Of Kingdoms Archery Range

“In the later Paleolithic, the bow and arrow were invented.” Archers have existed since that time, and the establishment of archery ranges, which are specialized facilities designed for archery practice, was a result of social and military demand.”

The Archery Range in Rise Of Kingdoms is a building where you can train archers.

Archers are not so good because there is no a lot of archery commanders that you can pair.

My advice is to focus on Calvary and Infantry units. They are providing all you need.

Building Requirements

Archery Range Level Requirements Unlocks Building Training Capacity Troop Health Bonus Cost Time Power 1 None None 20 0% None

None 5 2 City Hall Lv.2 Siege Workshop Lv.2

50 0% Food 500

Wood 800

20s 10 3 City Hall Lv.3 Siege Workshop Lv.3

100 0% Food 1.0K

Wood 1.5K

60s 20 4 City Hall Lv.4 Siege Workshop Lv.4

150 0% Food 2.0K

Wood 2.8K

3m 20s 37 5 Lumber Mill Lv.5 Siege Workshop Lv.5 200 0% Food 3.8K

Wood 5.0K

16m 40s 94 6 Lumber Mill Lv.6 Siege Workshop Lv.6 250 0% Food 6.5K

Wood 8.5K

Stone 3.4K 45m 50s 244 7 Lumber Mill Lv.7 Siege Workshop Lv.7 300 0% Food 9.8K

Wood 12.8K

Stone 5.4K 1h 32m 525

8 Lumber Mill Lv.8 Siege Workshop Lv.8 350 0% Food 14.8K

Wood 19.3K

Stone 8.7K 3h 3m 1,059 9 Lumber Mill Lv.9 Siege Workshop Lv.9 400 0% Food 22.3K

Wood 29.0K

Stone 13.9K 6h 7m 2,083

10 Lumber Mill Lv.10 Siege Workshop Lv.10 450 0.5% Food 33.5K

Wood 43.5K

Stone 22.2K 12h 13m 4,063 11 Lumber Mill Lv.11 Siege Workshop Lv.11 500 0.5% Food 52.5K

Wood 67.5K

Stone 35.0K 14h 40m 6,520

12 Lumber Mill Lv.12 Siege Workshop Lv.12 550 0.5% Food 80.0K

Wood 102.5K

Stone 52.5K 17h 36m 9,576

13 Lumber Mill Lv.13 Siege Workshop Lv.13 600 0.5% Food 120.0K

Wood 155.0K

Stone 80.0K 21h 7m 13,407 14 Lumber Mill Lv.14 Siege Workshop Lv.14 700 0.5% Food 180.0K

Wood 232.5K

Stone 120.0K 1d 1h 18,241

15 Lumber Mill Lv.15 Siege Workshop Lv.15 800 0.5% Food 270.0K

Wood 350.0K

Stone 180.0K 1d 6h 24,400

16 Lumber Mill Lv.16 Siege Workshop Lv.16 900 1% Food 405.0K

Wood 525.0K

Stone 270.0K 1d 12h 32,325 17 Lumber Mill Lv.17 Siege Workshop Lv.17 1,000 1% Food 607.5K

Wood 787.5K

Stone 405.0K 1d 20h 42,636 18 Lumber Mill Lv.18 Siege Workshop Lv.18 1,100 1% Food 925.0K

Wood 1.2M

Stone 625.0K 2d 5h 56,328 19 Lumber Mill Lv19 Siege Workshop Lv.19 1,200 1% Food 1.4M

Wood 1.8M

Stone 950.0K 2d 15h 74,659 20 Lumber MillLv.20 Siege Workshop Lv.20 1,300 1% Food 2.1M

Wood 2.7M

Stone 1.4M 3d 4h 99,431

21 Lumber Mill Lv.21 Siege Workshop Lv.21 1,400 1.5% Food 3.2M

Wood 4.1M

Stone 2.2M 3d 19h 133,357 22 Lumber Mill Lv.22 Siege Workshop Lv.22 1,500 1.5% Food 4.7M

Wood 6.1M

Stone 3.2M 4d 22h 181,631 23 Lumber Mill Lv.23 Siege Workshop Lv.23 1,600 1.5% Food 7.1M

Wood 9.1M

Stone 4.9M 6d 21h 252,430

24 Lumber Mill Lv.24 Siege Workshop Lv.24 1,700 1.5% Food 10.8M

Wood 13.8M

Stone 7.5M 10d 8h 359,629

25 Lumber Mill Lv.25 Siege Workshop Lv.25

2,000 2% Food 16.2M

Wood 20.8M

Stone 11.2M

1x Master’s Blueprint 34d 2h 592,326

Rise of Kingdoms – Archery Range

All information about the building Archery Range in Rise of Kingdoms including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.

The bow and arrow were invented in the later Paleolithic. Archers have existed since then, while the establishment of archery ranges, specialized facilities designed for archery practice, was the result of social and military demand.

Archer Units – Basic Stats and Comparison

Archer units are the second kind of units you could get in Rise of Kingdoms.

Archer units can be trained and upgraded through the Archery Range building.

There are several commanders that have special abilities to make the most of Archer units: Tomoe Gozen, Hermann, Kusunoki Masashige, El Cid or Yi Seoing-Gye.

Archers – Rise of Kingdoms

Archer Comparison

Name Troop Tier Nation Age Attack Attack Defense Defense Health Health March Speed March Speed Load Load Power Slinger 1 All 60 123 120 Very Fast 6 1 Bowman 2 All 125 128 128 Fast 8 2 Composite Bowman 3 All 158 155 163 Normal 9 3 Crossbowman 4 Most 192 192 187 Slow 11 4 Longbowman 4 Britain 202 192 187 Slow 11 4 Chu-Ko-Nu 4 China 197 197 187 Slow 11 4 Hwarang 4 Korea 192 202 187 Slow 11 4 Royal Crossbowman 5 Most 220 216 212 Very Slow 13 10 Elite Longbowman 5 Britain 232 216 211 Very Slow 13 10 Elite Chu-Ko-Nu 5 China 227 222 212 Very Slow 13 10 Elite Hwarang 5 Korea 221 227 212 Very Slow 13 10

Archer Units

Tier 1: Slinger

Slingers use simple slingshots to attack the enemy. Their obvious disadvantages include poor accuracy and limited range.


Age Attack Defense HP March Speed Load Power Stone Age 60 123 120 Very Fast 6 1


Attacking from a far distance helps countering Infantry units but can be easily countered by cavalry units. All of the body parts are perfectly coordinated. Attack damage increased.

Tier 2: Bowman

Well-trained soliders who can cause major problems for enemies with their light shortbows, particularly when defending against sieges


Age Attack Defense HP March Speed Load Power Bronze Age 125 128 128 Fast 8 2


Attacking from a far distance helps countering Infantry units but can be easily countered by cavalry units. Play Rise of Kingdoms on PC to fully enjoy the game! Talented solider gets trained by gaining experience on the battlefield. Defense power increased. The true warrior put honor and glory above his life. HP increased.

Tier 3: Composite Bowman

The composite bow is cheap, powerful, and easy to master. As a result, it has become increasingly popular.


Age Attack Defense HP March Speed Load Power Icon Age 158 155 153 Normal 9 3


Attacking from a far distance helps countering Infantry units but can be easily countered by cavalry units. Only the most experienced soldiers know how to survive throughout brutal wars. HP increased Super strong arrows that can easily penetrate any thick armor. This is such a nightmare for the enemies. Attack damage increased.

Tier 4 Archer Units


Longbowman (Britain)

Chu-Ko-Nu (China)

Hwarang (Korea) Tier 4: Crossbowman “Even new recruits can easily handle these deadly weapons. That is why they changed the face of war forever. Stats Age Attack Defense HP March Speed Load Power Dark Age 192 192 187 Slow 11 4 Skills Attacking from a far distance helps countering Infantry units but can be easily countered by cavalry units. Attack damage increased. One shot, one kill. The special ability to know when the danger is coming is super essential. Defense power increased. Tier 4: Longbowman (Britain) “Even new recruits can easily handle these deadly weapons. That is why they changed the face of war forever. Play Rise of Kingdoms on PC to fully enjoy the game! Stats Age Attack Defense HP March Speed Load Power Dark Age 202 192 187 Slow 11 4 Skills Attacking from a far distance helps countering Infantry units but can be easily countered by cavalry units. Attack damage increased. One shot, one kill. The special ability to know when the danger is coming is super essential. Defense power increased. Tier 4: Chu-Ko-Nu (China) Stats Age Attack Defense HP March Speed Load Power Dark Age 197 197 187 Slow 11 4 Skills Attacking from a far distance helps countering Infantry units but can be easily countered by cavalry units. Attack damage increased. One shot, one kill. Play Rise of Kingdoms on PC to fully enjoy the game! The special ability to know when the danger is coming is super essential. Defense power increased. Tier 4: Hwarang (Korea) Unlike normal warriors, the Hwarang are usually well-educated, which allows them to make correct choices at critical moments. Stats Age Attack Defense HP March Speed Load Power Dark Age 192 202 187 Slow 11 4 Skills Attacking from a far distance helps countering Infantry units but can be easily countered by cavalry units. Attack damage increased. One shot, one kill. The special ability to know when the danger is coming is super essential. Defense power increased.

Tier 5 Archer Units

Archery Range Resources requirments for Rise Of Empires: Ice and Fire

Rise Of Empires: Archery Range Resources requirements are there for upgrading your building to each level in Rise of Empires: Ice and Fire. Listed detailing all the Archery Range Resources requirments at this time given below:-

Level Gold Food Iron Charcoal Time Other Unlock Power 1 220 200 150 :20 Base Lvl 1 Bowman 55 2 1100 1600 1400 440 2:00 Base Lvl 2 Crossbowman 59 3 3800 2800 1300 10:30 Base Lvl 3 63 4 5700 8500 13K 2000 15:40 Base Lvl 4 69 5 8500 13K 19K 2900 23:30 Base Lvl 5 Light Bolter 78 6 13K 18K 27K 4400 46;50 Base Lvl 6 96 7 20K 25K 38K 6600 1:33:40 Base Lvl 7 132 8 35K 35K 53K 9900 3:07:20 Base Lvl 8 203 9 62K 49K 74K 15K 4:22:10 Base Lvl 9 302 10 Base Lvl 10 Long Bowman 430 11 180K 160K 150K 32K 7:23:00 Base Lvl 11 597 12 280K 280K 250K 47K 9:32:58 Base Lvl 12 813 13 390K 450K 400K 71K 12:28:39 Base Lvl 13 Heavy Bolter 1094 14 540K 710K 630K 110K 16:13:09 Base Lvl 14 1459 15 730K 1.3M 1.1M 160K 22:29:08 Base Lvl 15 1970 16 Base Lvl 16 Elite Bowman 2686 17 1.5M 2.3M 3.4M 380K 1d 15:44:04 Base Lvl 17 3688 18 2.6M 4M 6M 550K 2d 07:37:47 Base Lvl 18 5090 19 4.6M 7M 11M 780K 3d 04:30:47 Base Lvl 19 Falconer 7053 20 7.6M 12M 18M 1.1M 4d 13:01:57 Base Lvl 20 9801 21 9.9M 19M 28M 1.5M 5d 20:29:12 Base Lvl 21 13373 22 12M 28M 42M 1.9M 7d 18:45:42 Base Lvl 22 Elite Bolter 18017 23 24054 24 17M 50M 74M 2.7M 10d 16:23:02 Base Lvl 24 32506 25 18M 54M 80.1M 2.79M 12d 21:19:07 Base Lvl 25 Royal Bowman 44338


The Time to build the building will depend on some research and other buffs. The numbers given here is for your idea it may change slightly.

Resoureces requirment may be change by the Developer team. if you see any you can contact us.

Find Castle requirments: Click Here

Archery Building Requirements

Added: Feb 14th, 2020








220 Food, 200 Iron, 150 Charcoal


Base Lvl 1




1100 Gold, 1600 Food, 1400 Iron, 440 Charcoal


Base Lvl 2




3800 Gold, 2800 Food, 1300 Charcoal


Base Lvl 3



5700 Gold, 8500 Food, 13,000 Iron, 2000 Charcoal


Base Lvl 4



8500 Gold, 13,000 Food, 19,000 Iron, 2900 Charcoal


Base Lvl 5

Light Bolter



13,000 Gold, 18,000 Food, 27,000 Iron, 4400 Charcoal


Base Lvl 6



20,000 Gold, 25,000 Food, 38,000 Iron, 6600 Charcoal


Base Lvl 7



35,000 Gold, 35,000 Food, 53,000 Iron, 9,900 Charcoal


Base Lvl 8



62,000 Gold, 49,000 Food, 74,000 Iron, 15,000 Charcoal


Base Lvl 9



Base Lvl 10

Long Bowman



180000 Gold, 160000 Food, 150000 Iron, 32000 Charcoal


Base Lvl 11



280000 Gold, 280000 Food, 250000 Iron, 47000 Charcoal


Base Lvl 12



390000 Gold, 450000 Food, 400000 Iron, 71000 Charcoal


Base Lvl 13

Heavy Bolter



540000 Gold, 710000 Food, 630000 Iron, 110000 Charcoal


Base Lvl 14



730000 Gold, 1.3M Food, 1.1M Iron, 160000 Charcoal


Base Lvl 15



Base Lvl 16

Elite Bowman



1.5M Gold, 2.3M Food, 3.4 Iron, 380,000 Charcoal

1d 15:44:04

Base Lvl 17



2.6M Gold, 4M Food, 6M Iron, 550,000 Charcoal

2d 07:37:47

Base Lvl 18



4.6M Gold, 7M Food, 11M Iron, 780,000 Charcoal

3d 04:30:47

Base Lvl 19




7.6M Gold, 12M Food, 18M Iron, 1.1M Charcoal

4d 13:01:57

Base Lvl 20



9.9M Gold, 19M Food, 28M Iron, 1.5M Charcoal

5d 20:29:12

Base Lvl 21



12M Gold, 28M Food, 42M Iron, 1.9M Charcoal

7d 18:45:42

Base Lvl 22

Elite Bolter





17M Gold, 50M Food, 74M Iron, 2.7M Charcoal

10d 16:23:02

Base Lvl 24



18M Gold, 54M Food, 80.1M Iron, 2,79M Charcoal

12d 21:19:07

Base Lvl 25

Royal Bowman


How many resources and what requirements are there for upgrading your Archery building to each level in Rise of Empires for training the Archers? Below is a list detailing all the requirements at this time.Notes:- The Time to build will depend on the level of some research items. The numbers given here are a guide but may be different for you.- There have been adjustments to some requirements in the past so it is possible some of the data may change, but it is unlikely.

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LEAKED #New #Archers #and #Infantry #[ #RANGE #Will #it #Include #Siege? #] #| #Rise #of #Kingdoms

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